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About CCI

Our Vision

The Center envisions Raton and Colfax County as a sustainable and resilient regional community.


Our Mission

To provide leadership, build partnerships and enable the innovation necessary to reestablish local food and energy production, strengthen educational systems and establish placemaking in our communities while promoting Northeastern New Mexico as a destination for rural living and tourism.


Our History

The Northeastern New Mexico Educational Foundation was incorporated in 1997 to provide higher educational opportunities to under-served adults in rural northeastern New Mexico. Between 1998 and 2008, we helped people obtain associates, bachelors, and masters degrees. In 2008, we gave our facility to Highlands University. Highlands left Raton in 2015. We've worked to get our building back for Raton and now we're back in a whole new way - as the Center for Community Innovation - where we now fight for Raton's economic future. Our team networks within the community to forge relationships and bring a new vision to the forefront. Working with community partners, the Center has several initiatives underway including bringing the online SkillSharp workforce training module to the community for free, establishing the Coal Camp Kitchen, creating a co-working space and resources for work-from-home individuals, supporting Growing Great Kids, providing educational opportunities, and assisting local organizations to grow and find a voice online by leveraging social media and digital marketing. In addition, we run Explore Raton, the city's tourism and relocation promotion brand.

Meet Our Team


Geoff Peterson
Board President

Formerly the Executive Director and now board director, coming to the Center with an extensive background in operations management and a passion for food, worms, soil and aquaponics.


Dave Spradlin
Board Secretary

CEO of Springer Electric Coop with its main office in Springer, New Mexico and is Secretary of the Board. He has served on the Board since its inception in 1997.


Elizabeth Holloway
Board Director

Owner and Operator of Holloway Video LLC. Elizabeth is a filmmaker dedicated to bringing film and opportunities to the Raton area.


Elizabeth Ortega
Board Director

Owner and Head Coach of Hammer Forged Athletics and Training Center.  Elizabeth is passionate about using her skills and knowledge in health, training, athletics, and coaching to provide new opportunities in the community.


Patricia Duran
Executive Director

Brings an extensive experience in economic development, public relations, event planning, graphic design and media, marketing and advertising, and journalism. She co-pastors Mesa Church with her husband in Raton.


Soriah Martinez
Marketing Assistant

I am a creative and enthusiastic marketing and design assistant eager to learn more. On my free time I love to create art, play and sing music, explore the outdoors, and hang out with family. 

Looking to join the CCI team?
Call us at (575) 245-9000
Copyright © 2021 Northeastern NM Educational Foundation, dba Center for Community Innovation,
a 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation located at 130 Park Ave., PO Box 1712, Raton, NM 87740

The Center for Community Innovation is supporting efforts to build a more resilient community. We are supporting the development of local food systems, the localization of our economy, support for micro-entrepreneurs,  the establishment of an energy independent Raton, and the promotion of our region to individuals seeking a sustainable, rural community to call home.
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